
Monday, June 25, 2012


Baseball is not really a sport. Oh I know there are hits and runs. There are more statistics that even Arthur C. Clarke's HAL 9000 could ever handle. But when all is said and done, Baseball is joy. I know that sounds like an epic stretch, a sort of left fielder leaping high and taking a home run away from David Ortiz. Yet, I stand by my statement: Baseball is joy. Consider my recent trip to Pittsburgh with the sole intent of watching at least nine innings of America's game. We arrived in the Steel City four hours before the game. The ballpark is right downtown, along the river. As we approached the stadium, we crossed over a yellow bridge. Thousands of like minded folk were doing the same thing:laughing, talking and enjoying a perfect summer's day. This too is baseball. This too is joy.

Friday, June 22, 2012

What's On Tonight?

Ever hear that question - what's on tonight? It's Socratic, although I'm sure the great philosopher wasn't familiar with the concept of television. Come to think of it, the bearded one might have asked something more like "What is the meaning of life?" or "Which way to Athens?" Of course these days we are usually referring to the TV set - the vast Orwellian eye that is always ready to be turned on, channel surfed with mind numbing velocity. Minutes sponged from our eternal time clock searching, searching until there is the faint realization that in spite of the 500 channel universe augmented by hours of DVR minutes...there is nothing on. But I am not watching television tonight. Rather, I am contemplating the window to my back yard. There before me on the other side of the glass lives our Japanese maple tree in all of its glorious redness. And it is on - in splendid 3D energized by the myriad of life that makes this singular tree its home. Summer birds chatter, butterflies glide and squirrels leap from branch to branch. The tree is unplugged and fully operational. I sit and watch without reference to time passing or life a wasting. The universe that inhabits this singular tree is fully operational, always new, never stale. Worth watching. Anytime.